XBL GamerTag: -
PSN Account: -
Steam: matschgurke
Name: Alexander Kelm
Rang: Neutron Ehrenmitglied
Geboren: 09.07.1989
Wohnort: Schechingen
Dabei seit: 01.03.2015
Zocken angefangen mit: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Motto: Erwachsen werden beinhaltet nicht die aufgabe des Kindseins
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Samus, Fox, Bowser, ZubZero, Seigfried/Nightmare, Krieg, Tod, Link, Ike, Psyman, Cortez, Jody Summers, Lloyd, Bayonetta...
Beat'em up, Shoot'em up, Jump'n run, Racing, RPG, Advetures
Tetris (GameBoy), Super Metroid (SNES), Donkey Kong Country 1+2 (SNES), Metroid Prime 1+2+3 (GCN/WII), Metroid Fusion (GBA), Metriod Zero Mission (GBA), Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (GCN), FFCC - Ring of Fates (NDS), Final Fantasy III (NDS), Super Smash Bros. (N64), Super Smahs Bros Melee (GCN), Super Smash Bros 4 (N3DS/WII U), Soul Calibur 2 (GCN), F-Zero (SNES), F-Zero GX (GCN), Guitar Hero World Tour [und Andere (Xbox)], Mariokart (SNES, N64, GCN,WII , WII U)...
Tetris, Contra, Casper, Pokemon - Blau, Pokemon - Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon - Feuerrot, Pokemon - Saphir, Sword of Mana, Dokapon, Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones, Metroid Fusion, Dragonball Z - The Legecy of Goku, Dragonball Z - The Legecy of Goku 2...
Nintendo DS
Guitar Hero - On Tour Decades, From the Abyss, Pokem - Diamant, Golden Sun - Dawn, Orcs and Elves, Etrian Odyssey, YU-GI-OH Championchip 2008, Super Mario 64 DS, DragonQuest - Sentinels of the Starry Skies, DQ Monsters-Joker 2, Dragonball Z - Goku Densetsu, Final Fantasy 3 (lost), Final Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - Ring of Fates, Final Fantasy 12 - Revenant wings...
Nintendo 3DS
Bravley Default, Shin Megami Tensei - Devil Survivor Overlocked, Pokemon - Schwarz 2 (lost), Pokemon - Y, Pokemon Alpha Saphir, Skylanders - Giants, Skylanders - Swap Force, Donkey Kong Country Returns, The Legend of Zelde - A Link between Worlds, Fantasy Life, Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, Etrian Odyssey 4 - Legends of the Titan, Etrian Odyssey Untold - The Millennium Girl, Kingdom Hearts 3D - Dream Drop Distance, Steam World Dig, Art of Balance - Touch, Heroes of Ruin, CrimsonShroud, The Denpa Men 2, Planet Crashers...
Super Nintento Entertainment System
Super Mario, Donkey Kong Country 2, F-Zero...
Nintendo 64
Super Mario 64, Star Wars - Potracer...
SoulCalibur 2, Metriod Prime 1 + 2, Fire Embleme - Path of Radiance, Tales of Symphonia, SSX Tricky, Timesplitters 2, Timesplitters - Future Perfect, Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles, F-Zero GX, Vietuful Joe - Red Hot Rumble, Phantasy Star Online - Episode 1 + 2...
WII (keine Konsole)
Metroid Prime Trilogy, Monster Hunter Tri, Metroid Other M, Tales of Symphonia - Dawn of the new World, The Legend of Zelda - Twillight Princess, Super Mario Galaxy 2...
Super Smash Bros. 4, Zombi U, The Legend of Zelda - The Windwaker HD, Mariokart 8, Hyrule Warriors, Pikmin 3, WII Party U, Darksiders 2, Bayonetta 1 + 2, New Super Luigi U, Unepic, Artacademy - Sketchpad WII U...
Xbox 360
Herr der Ringe - Der Krieg im Norden, SoulCalibur 5, Fable 2, Darksiders 1 + 2, Guitar Hero - 2/ Worldtour/ Aerosmith/ Metallica/ Warriors of Rock...
Playstation 2 (keine Konsole)
Time Splitters - Future Perfect, Onimusha 2...
Geometry Wars 3 - Dimensions, Magicka, Torchlight 2, Spore...