XBL GamerTag: Butcher82 net
PSN Account: -
Name: Harald Lang
Rang: Neutron
Geboren: 06.08.1982
Wohnort: Zimmerbach
Dabei seit: 06.05.2002
Zocken angefangen mit: Nintendo Entertainment System
Motto: Life`s too short, make the best!
Game Cube
Bill Rizer, Ken
Jump`n Run, Beat 'em Up
Double Dragon 2 (NES), Super Mario Bros 3 (NES), Megaman 2 (NES), Probotector/Contra 2 (NES), Super Mario World (SNES), Secret of Mana 2 (SNES), Super Probotector/Contra (SNES), Street Fighter 2 (SNES), Sonic 3 (MegaDrive), Golden Axe (Megadrive), SoulBlade (PS1), Castlevania : Symphony of the Night (PS1), Super Mario 64 (N64), Golden Eye (N64), Mario Kart 64 (N64), Banjo Kazooie (N64), Turok (N64), Capcom Vs. Snk 2 (DC), Street Fighter 3 (DC), House of the Dead 2 (DC), Virtua Fighter 4 Evo (PS2), Guilty Gear XX (PS2), Dark Chronicle (PS2), Viewtiful Joe (GC), Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Metroid Prime (GC), Super Smash Brothers Melee (GC), Mario Kart Double Dash (GC)
PS 1
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
PS 2
Virtua Fighter 4 Evo, Guilty Gear XX, Hyper Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Tony Hawk 3, Dark Chronicle, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2, WWE Smackdown : Shut your Mouth
Super Mario World, Super Mario Allstars, Super Probotector, Die Schlümpfe, NBA Jam, Spankys Quest, Wing Commander
Metroid : Zero Mission, Lunar Legend, Mario Kart, Castlevania : Harmony of Dissonance, Castlevania : Aria of Sorrow, Golden Sun, Tekken Advance, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Revival, Sword of Mana, Wario Ware Inc., Ecks Vs. Sever, Zelda : A Link to the Past
Shenmue 1, Shenmue 2, MDK 2, Legacy of Kain : Soul Reaver
Capcom Vs. Snk 2, MK : Deadly Alliance, MK : Deception, Soul Calibur 2, Dead or Alive 3
Eternal Darkness, Star Wars Rogue Leader, Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2, Die Hard : Vendetta, Spider-Man, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0, Turok Evolution, FIFA Fussball WM 2002, Aggressive Inline, The Legend of Zelda : The Wind Waker & Bonus-Disc, The Legend of Zelda (Special Disc), Starfox Adventures, Skies of Arcadia Legends, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Mario Kart Double Dash, Viewtiful Joe, Tales of Symphonia